Mexico city, Mexico
Bachelor of Engineering in computer technologies and telecommunications
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico city
2017 - 2022
Specialized in programming with many languages and design of electronic circuits with microcontrollers for the creation of sensors and automation through software and hardware.
Please take a look to my github. I like so much programming and I enjoy when I need to learn about new technologies and programming languages.
At the same time I like to automate my house so thats how I take inspiration for creating new things and use a lot of technologies not only software but also hardware.
Willing to move me to Ireland, Canada, Estonia or Scandinavian country.
As a manager I'm in charge of internal projects with my team to perform the activities to keep developing new functionalities
using python as core programming language for scripting automation to raise infrastructure and manage it according to the requirements
requested from system engineers or cloud engineers.
With flask python framework to build our front end portals and for backend too, to build APIs that are going to be consumed across the
company and other teams so we can do a good asset management, jobs execution, command lines for patching servers and a big, etc.
I'm still developing and with the teams we develop internal tools for the company, so I'm doing internal APIs to be consumed by front end
through the internal portals across the enterprise. Also as part of monetization I'm building APIs to be put to external clients.
Also I take some decisions at arquitectonic level using our cloud provider which is AWS and using the different components they have.
As a python/golang backend engineer I'm still doing the part of paykii because tribal bought paykii so im still as python backend developer in
charge to do integrations with vendor APIs in order to develop this payment platform using AWS, python, serverless framework, and a few of golang,
and a part of that infrastructure is with microservices using docker and kubernetes and debug and fix bugs from the tribal backend and integrating vendor APIs.
Also I implement CI through gitlab pipelines in order to use serverless framework in a better way to deploy all what I need in the respective environments
Skills: Management, French
In charge of maintenance and development of the paykii backend to keep improving more functionalities and doing integration with vendor APIs from different countries. Also creating new APIs with python from scratch and consuming them.
I was developing python desktop applications in the area of cybersecurity and technology controls in order to create tools for the area so we can be able to reduce times in the activities performed. Also in charge of the creation of some server side scripts to automate the generation of metrics and evidences to be audited.